The Scottsboro Boys “Melvin Gray, Jr (Ozie/Ruby) and Trey McCoy (Charles/Victoria) navigate between roles effortlessly, playing both the accused and accusers with the right amount of causticity.” — Beltline to Broadway, Kim Jackson & Lauren Van Hemert “McCoy and Gray made indelible characters without ever overdoing the “men in a dress” routine. With subtle movements and just enough softness, they were both hilarious and affecting, each having to grapple with their false accusations in song.” — CVNC, Classic Voice of North Carolina Fun Home “Melvin Gray, Jr.’s shifting portrayals of Bruce’s young partners, contain an impressive amount of complexity.” — Triangle Arts & Entertainment Smokey Joes Café “Youthful Melvin Gray bursts off the stage with charm and sparkle; he’s especially funny and endearing in the aforementioned “There Goes My Baby Number.” — Susie Potter, Triangle Arts & Entertainment